From Sumer to Bavaria: A History of the World's Oldest Beer

From Sumer to Bavaria: A History of the World's Oldest Beer

The oldest known recipe for beer is a poem from ancient Sumer, now Southern Iraq, dating back to around 1800 BC. However, the oldest physical evidence of beer production comes from an archaeological site in Iran, where residues from a 5,000-year-old brewing process were discovered.


(Relics from the Ancient Brewery in Iran)

Iran Discovery

The oldest physical evidence of beer production was discovered at a site in Iran, in a region known as Godin Tepe. This archaeological site provided chemical proof of beer brewing dating back to around 3400 - 3100 BC. The evidence was found in the form of beerstone, a byproduct of the brewing process that forms on the insides of fermentation vats and barrels.

The residues discovered at Godin Tepe suggest that the beer produced there was quite different from the beers we know today. It would have been a mix of barley, other grains, and possibly honey. It might also have included other local fruits and spices, although specific recipes are a matter of conjecture.

This beer would have been drunk using a straw, both to avoid the chunks of grain and other solid ingredients that would have remained in the drink and to bypass the layer of foam on top. This method of beer consumption is depicted in several ancient works of art.

The discovery at Godin Tepe has helped archaeologists understand the role of beer in ancient societies. It was likely a staple of the diet, as well as being used in religious ceremonies. Some anthropologists have even suggested that the cultivation of grains for beer production could have played a key role in the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled agriculture.


Brouwerij Weihenstephan

Weihenstephan Abbey - Wikipedia

In terms of the oldest beer still in production, that honor goes to the Belgian brewery, Brouwerij Weihenstephan. Located on the site of the Weihenstephan Abbey in Freising, Bavaria, the brewery has been in operation since at least 1040 AD, making it the oldest known continuously operating brewery in the world. They are renowned for their traditional German-style beers, especially their Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier, a highly-regarded wheat beer.

Brouwerij Weihenstephan is world-renowned for its high-quality beers, which are brewed in accordance with the Reinheitsgebot, also known as the German Beer Purity Law of 1516. This law mandates that only water, barley, and hops may be used to produce beer. The brewery's offerings include a range of traditional German-style beers, including Weissbier (wheat beer), Dunkel (dark beer), and Pilsner, among others.


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